Seminar/Workshop for Strengthening NPO Organizational Infrastructure held SpecialNews

Posted on August 05, 2024

On May 30, 2024, the “Seminar & Workshop for Strengthening NPO/NGO Organizational Infrastructure 2024 ” was held at the Public & Private Sector Co-Creation Hub Studio in Minato City, Tokyo. Japan NPO Center and Panasonic Holdings jointly hosted this event with 44 participants interested in strengthening their organizational infrastructure.

Tokyo venue

After Kotoko Togo of Panasonic Operational Excellence Corporation gave opening remarks, JNPOC’s Managing Director Kenji Yoshida explained the basic concept of organizational infrastructure strengthening with its four key elements: Personnel, Governance, Funds, and Vision/Mission.

This was followed by two presentations by Misa Sakashita, President of NPO Akita Yui Net, and Mieko Ishikawa, General Director of the International Social Service Japan (ISSJ); both presented their own cases and experiences on organizational infrastructure strengthening.

After the presentations, a workshop session to discuss participants’ organizational issues in depth was held in smaller groups. Because multiple participants from the same organization were present, they first discussed and identified specific issues regarding the aforementioned four elements within their own organizations. Next, they shared these with the participants from other organizations in the same small group while all parties practiced active listening and empathy. Participants from the same organization then gathered once again to discuss whether there are other issues hidden behind the previously identified issues, any connections between the separately identified issues, and organizational issues that need to be prioritized.

In closing, Ayako Hosomura from Panasonic Operational Excellence Corporation explained about the Panasonic NPO/NGO Support Fund for SDGs, encouraging the participants to apply as well as calling to the audience for continued efforts to strengthen their organizational infrastructure.

The following week, on Friday, June 7, another workshop was held at the Kyoto City Central Youth Action Center and attracted 30 people from the area. The event at the Kyoto venue was co-sponsored by the Kyoto NPO Center.


Kyoto venue

Shinya Arita, Director of NPO Nijiiro Diversity, and Kanako Kinoshita, Overseas Operations Manager of HOPE International Development Agency Japan, both shared with the audience their stories of how they strengthened their organizational infrastructure. In the workshop, groups identified their needs and listed what kinds of situations were difficult for them and how they wanted things to be different. Participants shared their own organizations’ issues in the group while supporting each other using empathy cards that had messages such as “I feel you!”

Here are some of the participants’ comments from both venues:

“In the grantee presentations, it was good to hear the actual changes they have gone through while they received the accompanying support. [*Non-financial support, such as accompanying support, from a third party is imperative when receiving a grant from the Panasonic NPO/NGO Support Fund]. Listening to their stories, I realized that an organization’s vision and mission are not mere statements, but function well only when they permeate throughout the organization. I also had a great opportunity to identify issues within my organization and to see the connection between issues and the structural problems underlying these issues.”

“I think that infrastructure strengthening becomes even more necessary when an organization is starting up or expanding its operations. Also, I was glad to learn that there are so many people who are striving to create a better society like us, and it gave me comfort that I actually have many peers.”

“I was reminded of how meaningful it is to work with people from other organizations to bring issues to the table and share ideas. Maybe because my organization’s situation and the issues that we presented today were rather unique, it would be difficult to bring back something that would be of direct and immediate use to my organization. However, I am nonetheless glad that I gained new insights. Thank you very much.”

Thank you to all who took time out of their busy schedules to attend the event. Japan NPO Center will continue to help NPOs and NGOs strengthen their organizational infrastructure and enhance their efforts in addressing social issues and creating new values.