Posted on October 04, 2022
Japan NPO Center cooperated with Give2Asia‘s multi-year research on 15 Asian countries and regions, which assessed the barriers and opportunities for international giving. Give2Asia issued a research report titled Unlocking Cross-border Philanthropy in Asia: An Assessment of Donor Interests and Infrastructure Development on June 25, 2022.
We are pleased to announce the publication of the report’s abridged Japanese translation (アジアにおける国の垣根を超えたフィランソロピーの実現に向けて~寄付者の関心とインフラの整備状況に関する評価).

Some major findings from the report are as follows:
- The feasibility of cross-border giving in Asia varies greatly depending on the regulations, incentives, and readiness of the support infrastructure in each country/region, but some countries/regions, including Japan, have high readiness levels for cross-border giving.
- The lack of trust places a significant barrier to cross-border giving. Without trusted networks to recommend overseas charities and foster relationships, many donors understandably prefer to keep their donations closer to home. Hence, forging trusted relationships is key to encouraging cross-border giving.
- Several national foundations and intermediary support organizations are interested in developing the infrastructure to support cross-border giving.
- Japan scores high in each of the indexes for cross-border giving, regulatory, and infrastructure, indicating that conditions for international giving are in place to a certain extent.
- As Japan recovers from COVID-19, the support infrastructure linking Japanese donors and the international community will help to maintain this momentum, which will in turn help to increase cross-border giving from Japan.
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